Address: Hawleys Corners Rd, Highland, NY 12528


Phones: (845) 691-9390




We are open: Mn-Fr: noon to 5pm

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HarpLark Music Center


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Kathen Cowan grew up singing at home and at school. Her mother was a singer and wanted to be an opera singer but the depression happened and she had a deviated septum. Singing was always a part of the family. On the long drives up to the Cowan Canadian cottage three and four part harmonies were the norm.


It was after Kathen married Mark Reynolds that she decided to seek out classical training in voice and studied with opera singer Beatrice Littau of the New York Metropolitan. She was trained in the method called "open throat."


Kathen's vocal range is high Lyric soprano. She currently sings in Kairos Consort (

Cappella Festiva (


Christ the King Episcopal Church, Stone Ridge, NY




Recorded Service at Christ the King Episcopal Church in Stone Ridge, New York - March 20,2020.

Readings by Rev. Janet Vincent & Robyn Boyd

Music Selections

Pergolesi, Stabat Mater plays at 2:05 (Quis est Homo duet)

8:29 Hymn 664 - My Shepherd will Supply my Need

Singers: Bill Beveridge, Michael Nelson, Maria Bedo, Kathen Cowan

Harp music by James Ruff

Paraguayan music - Joropa